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Childcare Subsidy
Good news!!! The GAP offers the government childcare subsidy to eligible families.
How does it work?
Families sign up for the subsidy through myGov, and then the government works out how much of a subsidy the family will receive. The subsidy is usually paid directly to the childcare service (the GAP in this case), and families only pay the difference to the childcare service. Sometimes the subsidy is paid directly to families though. Families are responsible to make sure the total (raw) fees are paid to the service (the GAP) – either through the subsidy or from their own pocket.
What should families do now?
If you have not already registered to get the subsidy, you should take action now to create a myGov account (via , and then, under Services, link myGov to Centrelink. Select Centrelink and fill in the Child Care Subsidy Assessment form.
What then?
On your GAP enrolment form, you’ll be asked for your CRN and other subsidy related information. Once we’ve processed your enrolment, you may need to visit the myGov site several times to set up and confirm your enrolment at GAP. We’ll let you know when it all looks good.
Once your child has started attending GAP, you will get fortnightly statements showing where you are up to, and how much subsidy we have received for you from the government.
What if our family is not eligible for the subsidy?
If you need to do some volunteer hours in order to be eligible, there are lots of wonderful charities in need of assistance. The volunteering you do at the GAP itself (or being on the committee) is considered by the government to be “parental duty” and not “activity hours”, unless you are directly teaching the children (which is not how we are structured at GAP).